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Kobo Indecent Arrangement Part II Page 5
Kobo Indecent Arrangement Part II Read online
Page 5
“I need to stop by my aunt’s table and say happy birthday.”
Jesse rose. “No problem. I’ll get the car and meet you out front.”
“I’ll wait for you at the door,” Max added.
For a second, Jesse thought Mally would object but then she nodded.
“I’ll just be a minute.”
As she walked away, Jesse and Max walked to the front door. They got a few looks but nothing like they would have if they were in one of their own places. People knew them there. This was neutral ground.
Max and Jesse exchanged a glance before Jesse left to get the car. Max knew to stay inside until he pulled up to the door.
By the time he got back, Max and Mally stood just inside the entrance. At least a foot of space between them, staring in opposite directions.
Oh yeah, this was gonna be fun.
As soon as he pulled up to the curb, Max opened the door and stepped out, looking around before reaching for her and leading her to the car. He opened the front passenger door for her and let her slide in before he closed the door and got in behind her.
“Where to?” Jesse figured he’d better double-check.
She turned to him with a steady expression. “I thought we were going back to your place.”
“Just wanted to make sure.”
He pulled out into traffic and glanced at Mally again, but she was staring out the front window. Glancing in the rearview, he saw Max staring out the side window.
Silence prevailed for the rest of the way home, a silence so heavy Jesse turned on the radio for background noise.
By the time he parked in the garage, Jesse figured there was no way he wouldn’t be taking her home in fifteen minutes, tops. Max had barely managed to keep his mouth shut but Jesse knew he wouldn’t for long.
Walking into the house with Mally between them, Max led them into the living room. Jesse stopped in the doorway, waiting. Knowing Max was gearing up for something. But Mally turned to face Jesse first.
“Are you planning to keep your distance for the entire length of this arrangement?”
Jesse’s eyes widened in surprise before he could control the impulse.
What the hell? “Excuse me?”
Her arms crossed over her chest and she gave him that look, the one that let him know she wasn’t taking any shit. But he honestly had no idea what the hell he was talking about. He’d expected her to go after Max, not him.
“I believe you heard me correctly. Is this how you’re going to act for the rest of this arrangement? As if nothing matters and you’re not involved?”
Yeah, that’s exactly— “I don’t have the first clue what the hell you’re talking about.”
“Yes, you do. You’re just not going to man up and admit it.”
“And what about you, Mally?” Max jumped in with both feet. “Are you going to cringe every time someone you know approaches you when you’re with us? You think I didn’t notice how you acted when your aunt approached. You were terrified she’d say something.”
She turned on Max, hands on hips. “I was worried she’d say something to offend you.”
Max shook his head. “But don’t you see? That’s exactly what’s going to happen every time we go out together. The three of us. Are you really telling me you can handle it?”
God damn Max. He’d gone on the offensive, which is how he typically handled all problems. But Mally wasn’t a problem. And she wasn’t about to back down.
Her chin went out and her back straightened. “I’m not afraid of a little gossip. And if I hadn’t been willing to pay the debt, I never would’ve asked you for help in the first place.”
“Oh, we’re not talking about a little gossip.” Max’s voice had dropped another octave. He was well and truly pissed. “We’re talking Greek-tragedy-level gossip. You got a tiny taste of it tonight. Jesus, your aunt looked like she wanted to grab you and run for the nearest exit. I have no idea what the hell you told your mom or your brother but you can damn well be sure they’re not going to let this go.”
“And again I say, I’m a grown woman who can make her own damn decisions. My parents trust my judgment—”
“It might seem that way now but once word gets around that you’ve been seen out with Jesse and me, how long do you think that’s going to last? How long until your brothers and your dad show up at our door to beat the shit out of us?”
Her gaze narrowed. “Are you trying to tell me you’re afraid of my family? Seriously?”
“Goddammit, Mally!” Max’s restraint finally broke. “Are you always this stubborn? Whatever it is you’re expecting to happen, if you think people are going to magically accept us into decent society, it’s not gonna happen. You’re living in a fantasy world. You may be the princess but we’re no Prince Charmings.”
“Is that seriously what you think?” Her tone held so much mocking disbelief, Jesse couldn’t help but smile.
As foreplay, this worked for him. Whether he got laid tonight or not, watching Mally face down Max made him hard. Sue him. She was fucking hot.
“It’s exactly what I think.” Max drew in a deep breath and crossed his arms over his chest. “You’re playing this situation like it’s straight out of some fucking movie.”
“And you’re deliberately making me furious. Why is that, Max?”
Jesse knew the answer to her question, but he wasn’t stupid enough to stick his two cents in now. Max was taking the brunt of her anger. And the bastard deserved it. He was deliberately baiting her.
Which didn’t make any fucking sense because Max was the one who kept telling Jesse he wasn’t going to give Mally up.
So he stayed silent. When he thought Mally had taken enough of Max’s shit, he’d step in, but, for right now, he was going to enjoy the show.
“I just don’t want you to have expectations we aren’t going to be able to fulfill.”
“And what expectations do you think I have?”
“That this is some sort of fairy tale where the beasts become the princes.”
She snorted. “Oh, trust me, Max.” She shook her head very slowly. “Right now, you’re very far from my idea of a prince.”
“Then tell me what the fuck you’re doing here.”
And that was Jesse’s cue to step in, because when Max started to swear, he’d reached his breaking point. But he could only think of two ways to separate them and one involved taking her home. Which he didn’t want to do.
The other… That one he really did want to do.
Jesse pushed away from the door frame he’d been holding up and started walking toward Mally. “Max, shut the fuck up.”
Mally’s gaze immediately shot to him, and by the time Jesse stopped in front of her, she’d lost a little of the fire in her eyes.
But only a little.
She still continued to breathe hard, and the resulting rise and fall of her breasts made his cock harden even more. And it’d been pretty damn hard to begin with.
“You’re not here to fight, are you, babe?”
He deliberately used the endearment because he knew it’d throw her off track. And it worked like a charm. She blinked up at him and her lips parted as if she wanted to say something but nothing came out.
“You’re here to get laid. That was the arrangement, wasn’t it?”
The blush that burned her cheeks made him grin. She constantly charmed him. She’d made a deal with them to help out a friend and then maneuvered them until she got what she wanted, which was both of them for sex.
Max had jumped at the opportunity, but now he was on the verge of fucking it up completely. It was up to Jesse to put them back on track. Because tonight he’d realized a few things.
First, Mally had no fear. She went after what she wanted and, for some reason, she’d set her sights on him and Max. For whatever reason, she wanted them.
And second, Max was starting to have cold feet. Whether that was because he’d finally realized how much shit Mally was going to take from almost everyone she kn
ew for being seen with them or because he’d realized how much danger she could be in, Jesse didn’t know.
And third… Well, that was all on him. He’d had a taste and he wasn’t going to be satisfied until he had more.
How much will be enough?
Jesse had no idea. But he knew it wasn’t once.
He’d been deliberately crude to get her attention but now he had it. Completely. Her gaze narrowed and her hands went to her hips. She stared up at him and opened her mouth to blast him.
Before she could, he wrapped one hand around her neck and clamped the other to her hip and yanked her forward. He took her off guard and she stumbled against him, stiffening when he bent to put his mouth over hers.
He kissed her hard, gave her no time to back away. She didn’t struggle or try to escape, but she didn’t respond right away either. She stood there and let him kiss her, let him coax her lips open so he could slide his tongue inside to stroke against hers.
God damn, he loved the taste of her. Hot and so fucking sweet. Christ, his teeth should ache. But it wasn’t his teeth that ached. No, just the rest of his body.
Pulling her closer, their lips still locked, he plastered her body against his and let the hand resting on her hip slide down to cup her ass. The material of her dress felt like silk against his skin as he tilted her hips against his and pressed his erection into the soft flesh of her belly.
Fuck yeah.
Groaning, he released her neck so he could put both hands on her ass and grind his aching cock against her. Fuck, all he needed to do was hold her against him and he swore he could come.
But that’s not how he wanted this to go. He wanted to be buried inside her tight little ass when he came this time, preferably while Max filled her pussy with his cock.
Now, she gasped and he had a second to wonder if he’d hurt her before she wrapped her arms around his neck and moved even closer. Her breasts flattened against his chest and her head tilted to the side, deepening their kiss.
Her body softened against his, melted into his until he felt every breath she took. Her scent made him light-headed, and the remembered feel of her bare skin under his hands had his fingers clenching around the soft curves of her ass.
He wanted her naked, but this time they weren’t doing some rush job in the fucking living room. This time, he was taking control.
Lifting his head, he broke the kiss, opening his eyes to find her blinking up at him. She tried to pull him back down and he allowed her to do it for a second, just a brief chance for her to brush her lips against his.
Then he swung her into his arms and headed for the first-floor bedroom. Before he left the living room, he stopped and looked back over his shoulder at Max.
Max stood, arms crossed over his chest, stone-faced and unmoving. Until Mary Alice looked over Jesse’s shoulder. She didn’t say anything but whatever look she gave Max, it made his feet move. Or maybe Max just realized what he’d be missing if he remained behind.
Jesse was finished with waiting and hesitating where Mally was concerned. She was prepared to go to battle for them. What did it say about him if he didn’t have the guts to do the same?
With Max now in tow, Jesse continued down the hall. He saw Mally taking in the surroundings, her head on a swivel.
They’d have to give her a tour one of these days. When they weren’t half-crazy with lust. Which seemed to be never. Something they’d have to keep an eye on. They still needed to be on guard. But not tonight. Not here.
The light from the hall illuminated the room enough that he didn’t have to flip the light switch. He knew exactly where he was going. But he wasn’t surprised when Max turned it on anyway.
Max liked to watch, wanted to be able to see everything. And Jesse had a feeling Max would be watching at first. He’d still be pissed and he wouldn’t trust himself until it’d dissipated completely.
And that would mean watching Jesse take her first this time. Jesse certainly didn’t have a problem with it. But he knew he and Max were working up to the day they took her together. He just hoped like hell they didn’t spook her before that.
Not that Mary Alice seemed spooked.
Especially not when he set her on the bed and she popped back up onto her knees to reach for him.
He hadn’t worn a tie tonight so she went straight for the buttons of his shirt, shoving them through the holes with furious fingers. He let her mess with those while he carefully found each of the long pins holding up her hair. He wanted that shiny mass of red curls spread out over the dark sheets, wanted to wrap it around his hands, bury his nose in it while he fucked her hard and fast this first time. And then again when he took her slower the second time.
When he had the last one in hand, he watched her curls fall around her shoulders and brush the top curves of her breasts.
Against her pale skin, her hair looked almost blood-red and he reached for her to wind it around his fingers. If his fingertips stroked over her beaded nipples, well, that was just a bonus.
And then it was the sole reason.
But she halted his progress when she shoved his now-unbuttoned shirt down his arms, effectively limiting his movement unless he let his hands hang for a moment to let the shirt fall. He didn’t want to do that. Not now when he pinched her nipples between his thumb and forefinger and pulled on the little nub until he felt her shudder.
She practically moaned the word, her head falling backward as he did what she asked. Lifting his other hand to her free breast, he played with her nipples, taking his cues from her. She appeared to like that tiny bit of pain when he squeezed just a little harder and tugged.
“Oh god.”
“Like that, do you?” Jesse could barely get the words out through his clenched jaw. He was trying hard not to let the full force of his lust off the leash at once. If he did, he wasn’t sure she wouldn’t run.
“Yes.” Her hands gripped his waist, digging into the flesh before scrambling to undo his belt. But he grabbed her hands before she could get his pants unbuttoned.
Leaning down, he fused their mouths together again and quickly got rid of his shirt before reaching behind her for the zipper to her dress.
“Let me.”
Max’s voice came from behind Mally. Jesse hadn’t heard him move. Mally broke the kiss with a gasp and let her head fall forward onto Jesse’s shoulder as Max released the zipper at her side and pulled the dress down.
She wasn’t wearing a bra so when Jesse reached for her again, his hands met warm, naked skin.
With her dress caught at her hips, Jesse could only stroke his fingertips from her waist to her breasts. But for now, that was enough to keep him occupied for hours.
Wrapping one hand in her hair, he tugged her head back and kissed her again, sliding his tongue into her mouth to play with hers while he gave his fingers free rein to touch her.
Cupping her breasts, he molded them to his palms and massaged them until she panted into his mouth. She gripped his waist again, fingers digging into the muscle before sliding around to the front of his pants to fumble with the button.
She brushed against his cock, straining against the zipper, and made it throb even harder. He let her open the button but stopped her before she released the zipper.
“Not yet, sweetheart.” He eased her fingers away and drew her arms around his waist, where she spread her hands over his back.
His eyes snapped closed as she raked her nails up and back down, scoring his flesh and making him groan.
Her head lowered and she settled her mouth on his neck, parting her lips and sucking the sensitive skin between her teeth.
Fuck. His blood heated, pumping through his veins like lava. His hands flattened on her back but quickly slid to her hips to grip her dress. He yanked it down, managing not to rip it. When he had it down to her knees, he lifted her and laid her out on the bed.
Fuck yes. Her hair spill
ed over the pillow, practically glowing against her pale skin. But it was her blue eyes staring up at him that hit him hardest. She looked at him like she wanted him to devour her. And since that’s exactly what he wanted to do, he had to restrain himself from tearing off his pants and falling on her.
Instead, he let his gaze travel down her body. Slim and toned, she curved in all the right places. He wanted to put his mouth on her breasts and suck on her nipples then kiss his way down her stomach to her mound, covered now by the tiniest triangle of black silk.
He reached for the strings on her hips and considered ripping the thong off her body. But he reconsidered when he saw her smile. So soft and sweet.
Instead, he hooked his index fingers into those strings and tugged. She let him work them down for long seconds before lifting her hips so he could pull the scrap of fabric down her thighs and off her legs before tossing them to the end of the bed.
Her gaze stayed with him as he moved between her legs. Then motion to their left caught her attention and she looked away. Toward Max, who looked much more stable than he’d been in the living room. Lust had taken the edge off the anger.
But he still did nothing more than walk to the chair on the other side of the bed and sprawl into it.
Mally’s distraction gave Jesse the chance to take her off guard.
Bending down, he slipped his hands under her ass to lift her off the bed...and straight to his mouth. Her cry of surprise quickly changed to a moan as he pressed his lips to her sex and licked her labia.
God damn, she tasted like heaven. Playing his tongue along her folds, he worked to drive her into a frenzy. He had to brace her thighs open with his shoulders because she immediately tried to tighten them around him. Whether to cut him off or keep him there, he wasn’t sure.
Until she reached down to slide her fingers through his hair and grip him tight.
Then he got to serious business. He loved going down on a woman. Loved the taste, the way they moved and moaned and danced to his tune. At his mercy.
But it was different with Mally. He wanted to pleasure her, just as he had the other women. But he also wanted Mally to want more from him. To demand more. Just as he was starting to want so much more from her.