Kobo Indecent Arrangement Part II Page 3
Max’s breath caught for a brief second before he started to grin. “Glad to hear it. What changed your mind?”
Jesse’s gaze narrowed. “Maybe I just enjoyed the sex.”
If Jesse was looking to get a rise out of him, Max wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction. “Then I have to say I don’t blame you. The sex was fucking amazing. And it’ll only get better.”
A pause. “So we’re handling her like any other woman we’ve fucked?”
No fucking way. “Why wouldn’t we?”
Jesse nodded. “So she’s just a bed partner.”
No. “Of course. What did you think she’d be?”
“I just want to make sure I’ve got the rules clear going in.”
“There are no rules. It’s just sex. Just like it’s always been.”
Jesse refused to release Max’s gaze. “And when the six months are up? It’s over?”
Max’s jaw tried to clench but he loosened it before it could. “Of course.”
Except that was total bullshit. But if it made Jesse feel better about getting Mally in their bed, then he’d lie through his teeth. Hell, Max had no idea what was going to happen in six months. But for right now, she would be theirs. And they’d more than make it worth her while.
* * * * *
Mary Alice’s day went to shit by noon.
It started with a phone call from her second-oldest brother, Jason.
“Jesus, Mal, did you think we wouldn’t find out? What the hell were you thinking?”
“Hello to you, too, Jase. And how are you today?”
“I’m pretty pissed off at the moment, little sister. And I’m pretty sure you know why.”
Not bothering to hide her sigh, she pushed back from her desk, where she’d been trying to translate Tristan’s shorthand into a report for the client. Today, her mind just wasn’t on her job and it frustrated the hell out of her.
And now this.
“I don’t have the first frigging clue,” she lied. “Why don’t you spell it out for me?”
“Max. Burdanov.”
Yep. That sealed the deal. Today was going to suck.
She didn’t want to have to deal with her brother. She wanted to leave now. She wanted to meet Max and Jesse. She wanted to strip them naked and gorge herself on them. She’d never wanted to do that in her life. And now that she did…
“What about him?”
“Don’t. Just don’t. What the hell are you playing at?”
She sighed, not bothering to hide it from her brother. “I’m not playing at anything. It was a date. Do you even know what that is anymore?”
Jason practically growled in frustration. “I know perfectly well what a date is. And there’s no way you should be anywhere near that lowlife.”
If she were in a Bugs Bunny cartoon, Mary Alice swore she’d have a lit fuse coming out of her head.
“Jason. You need to think very carefully about the next words that come out of your mouth.”
“And why is that?”
“Because I’m going out with Max Burdanov again tonight.”
The silence on the other end of the line nearly scalded. Jason might not be a redhead but he had the temper of one.
“What?” she taunted, because she couldn’t help herself. “Nothing else to say?”
“Jesus Christ, Mary Alice.”
The fear in her brother’s voice rocked through her like an earthquake. “Jase—”
“Sweetheart, what’s going on? Are you in trouble? Do you need help with something? Do you…need money?”
Her mouth dropped open and her brain stuttered for a second. “You think I’m seeing him because I need money?”
“Fuck.” Jason’s voice sounded like five miles of bad road. “No, goddammit. That’s not what I meant.”
Shaking her head, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “Then what do you mean? Exactly.”
“He’s not someone you need in your life.”
“And how do you know that? Do you know him? Have you met him? Have you ever talked to him?”
“I don’t need to. Everyone knows—”
“Who’s everyone?”
“Every damn cop in the city knows who Max Burdanov is. And that’s enough for me to know you should stay the hell away from him.”
Well, she couldn’t argue with him about that. All the cops did know Max’s name. He’d never been convicted of anything but he was a well-known member of the Oleksy organization.
Damn it, she’d known this was coming. Had known sooner or later one of her brothers would find out and confront her. Hell, she’d even thought she had something remotely rational to say in reply. And here she was, practically stomping her feet like a teenager.
“Jase. I love you. But I’m a grown woman with a brain. And I’m telling you, you’re wrong about Max.” She wanted to add “and Jesse” but, oh my God, that might actually make Jason’s head explode. “He’s not the man you think he is.”
“So you’re telling me he’s not the same man who worked for the Russian mob for most of his life?”
“No. What I’m telling you is that he’s changing his life. He’s a legitimate businessman, one who works eighteen hours a day to make it happen. But he is making it, with no help from anyone because all people see is the man they think he is. I’m dating the man he actually is.”
Silence from the other end.
Then finally, a big sigh. “Damn it, the guy’s not right for you.”
She knew that wasn’t true. She was pretty sure he was just right for her. Him and Jesse.
How she knew that after only one night together was a mystery. Didn’t make it any less true.
And Jesus, she couldn’t even imagine how this conversation was going to go with her brothers, much less her parents.
Cross that hurdle when you come to it.
God, she hoped she didn’t fall flat on her face when she did.
“No, he’s not right for you,” she finally said. “But you’re not the one dating th—him.”
“Christ, Mally. If anything happens to you…”
“Do you trust me?”
Jason huffed. “Of course I trust you. That’s not the issue.”
“Yeah, it pretty much is. You have to trust me to make my own decisions. And who I date is definitely my decision.”
“You’re making a mistake.”
“And you’re entitled to your opinion. You just don’t get to make me feel bad about mine.”
Another pause where she could hear Jason trying to get himself under control. “You need anything, you call me, little girl.”
“You’re first on my favorites list.” That hadn’t always been the case but her older brother was gone now. He’d been first on all their favorite lists.
“You know Mom and Dad are going to find out sooner or later.”
She winced. “I know. I planned to tell them this weekend.”
“I wouldn’t let it wait too long. Dad owns a weapon and he knows how to use it.”
Rolling her eyes, she sighed. “Yeah. Thanks for making me feel better.”
“Yeah, well, consider it payback for making me crazy.”
A smile curved her lips. “I love you, Jase. I gotta get back to work.”
“Love you too, brat. Just…be careful. All right?”
“I’m always careful.”
Jase snorted. “Yeah right. Talk to you soon.”
He hung up before she could respond to his last dig. Damn him, she was one of the most careful people she knew. She often wished she could be less careful and more carefree. Not worry so much about every damn little thing.
Is that why you agreed to Max’s arrangement?
No, this wasn’t her being rebellious or even careless. She wanted Max. She wanted Jesse. And, damn it, that’s the only reason she was going out with them. Danny’s gambling debt had been a convenient way for her to initiate contact. Which probably made her an awful friend for using Be
thann and Danny’s troubles to her advantage.
She huffed out a sigh and shook her head. Maybe she hadn’t thought this through as well as she should have. But Jason was right about one thing. She needed to tell her parents and soon.
She didn’t want Max to wind up on the wrong end of her dad’s temper.
Punching in her mom’s number, she glanced at the time on her computer. She still had that report to finish and another one to start and billing to complete—
“Hi, sweetheart. It’s been a while since we talked. Busy?”
“Hey, Mom. Yeah, I’ve been busy. Work’s been crazy.”
“I know the feeling. Your dad’s got more work than he can handle right now and I’ve been looking for another installer to help him but we just haven’t found anyone yet.”
Mary Alice let her mom carry the conversation for the next few minutes, let her complain about her dad’s stubbornness and her brothers’ perpetual state of bachelorhood and the fact that her sisters all had grandchildren.
Well, she didn’t actually complain. Her mom never whined or bitched.
No, she was much more subtle. She explained how her dad was always tired because he had more work than he could handle for his carpet-laying business. And how her brothers needed to get housekeepers because their houses and apartments were pigsties. And how adorable Mary Alice’s cousin’s newborn daughter was.
Not that Mary Alice didn’t think her cousin Tiff’s baby was cute. She totally was. It’s just that her mom wanted to have her own grandchildren to fuss over.
“So now that I’ve exhausted the family gossip, why don’t you tell me why you called?”
“Do I have to have a reason?”
“Of course not. But you have something on your mind. Come on. Out with it.”
Mary Alice took a deep breath. “I’ve got a date tonight.”
Her mom laughed. “You make it sound like it’s a punishment. I swear, I’ll never have grandchildren. So who are you going out with?”
“I don’t think you know him. His name’s Max Burdanov.”
“Hmm, the name sounds familiar. Is he a local boy?”
Only guys who’d grown up in their neighborhood got to be called local. Anyone not from an eight-square-block area was practically a foreigner.
“He’s from Bustleton.”
“Okay. So what does he do?”
He’s a former Russian gang member, Mom. And the other night, I had sex with him and his friend. How about I bring them for dinner tomorrow?
“He owns a couple of clubs in town.”
“That’s sounds good.”
“And a restaurant. And a couple of buildings.”
“Sounds like he’s successful.”
“And he used to work for David and Mickey Oleksy.”
“Who— Oh.”
Her mom’s quiet tone made her flinch. “Yeah. I figured I should let you know before someone else spilled the beans.”
Her mom fell silent for several seconds. “Well, that’s…interesting.”
“Mom, before you say anything else, just— I like him. And I think you will too. He’s smart and intense and fascinating. He’s not…”
“A former gang member? Dangerous? Someone I wouldn’t want my daughter to know much less date? Oh, Mary Alice. I don’t even know where to start.”
“How about we start with the fact that I’m an adult and can make my own decisions.”
Her mom huffed. “Then why did you call me? Do you want me to tell you it’s okay? That I approve? Of course I don’t approve of you going out with a gang member, former or otherwise.”
Mary Alice took a deep breath before she started screeching like a banshee. She needed to keep her composure, didn’t want to stamp her foot and whine like a teenager.
“I called you so you wouldn’t be blindsided when one of your friends or one of my brothers decides to tattle on me.”
“Your brothers care about you. They only want you to be happy. And safe.”
And confined to the safe little world she’d always lived in, surrounded by family and the friends she’d known since high school and the very few people her family drew into the circle who hadn’t grown up with them or lived in that eight-block radius. A circle that’d grown smaller after they’d lost John Matthew.
She took another deep breath. “I know that. I also know I’m a damn good judge of character. And if you don’t trust me to pick the men I want to date, then I’m going to stop telling you about the men I date.”
They both fell silent. Mary Alice figured her mom was wondering why she’d pushed her luck and tried for that girl after four boys.
“You’re right. I’m sorry.”
Mary Alice blinked and her mouth dropped open but she had no idea what to say. She couldn’t actually believe her mom had said that.
“Thanks for giving me a heads-up,” her mom continued. “We do trust you, Mally.” Her mom’s soft huff of laughter came through the line perfectly clear. “It’s just… We don’t want you to be hurt.”
“We’re just dating.” And having sex. And, oh yeah, I’m having sex with his friend too. “It’s nothing more serious than that.”
“Okay, honey. I’m glad you called. I’ll, ah, talk to your dad, though how I’m going to bring this up… Maybe you can come for dinner one day next week. It’d be nice to see you.”
Mary Alice wanted to sigh in relief. Her mom had decided to give her a pass. But probably only until Mary Alice showed up for dinner or her parents caught up to her at Tommy’s bar, where she usually spent her weekends. Then they’d give her the third degree.
“Sure. I’ll talk to you soon. Love you.”
“Love you too. Just…be safe.”
She really hoped she wasn’t lying.
Chapter Three
Max could tell something was wrong the second Mary Alice opened the door to her apartment.
Yes, she smiled up at him as she waved him through the door and into her small apartment, but it didn’t reach her eyes and she turned immediately and headed toward the back of the apartment.
“Hi, sorry. I just need to put on my jewelry and my shoes. I was a little late getting home.”
“Busy day?”
“Yeah, you could say that.”
Even though she’d disappeared down a short hall to the left of the kitchen area, he could hear the sarcastic tone of her voice. It made him smile, even though he didn’t have much to smile about.
They’d found indications of sabotage in four of their five properties. Nothing major but nothing they could overlook. If they hadn’t caught the one, the entire building could have gone up in flames, the electrician had said.
Not exactly the way he’d wanted to start his day. Tonight, he just wanted to enjoy this time with Mally and Jesse.
He had a feeling it wasn’t going to be that easy.
“Is everything okay?” He raised his voice to be sure she heard him, figuring if any of her roommates were home, she would’ve said something. “Did something happen?”
“Everything’s fine. Just…busy.”
He was about to add something but his brain blanked when she walked into the room again.
Damn, he hadn’t really gotten a good look at her when she’d opened the door because she’d immediately turned and headed in the other direction. Now…
Holy shit.
She looked edible.
He knew what the term “little black dress” meant and he’d seen his share recently at cocktail parties. But Mary Alice showed him why women had made them a thing.
Her little black dress wasn’t little in terms of fabric. This one covered her from neck to knee. But it covered her like a second skin, so close, he couldn’t help but wonder if she had anything at all on under the damn thing.
The neckline was practically Puritan but he’d noticed that it dipped down in back when she’d walked away. The way the dress was made, though, drew attention
to her breasts and her hips.
She’d rolled her hair up in some kind of bun at her nape, which left her neck bare so all he wanted to do was brush aside the dangling, sparkling earrings hanging from her lobes and bite her.
Then he’d put his hands on her hips and pull that dress up until he found out whether she was wearing underwear.
He blinked and met her eyes. He was absolutely not going to feel guilty for staring. She had to know what she looked like. And he hoped like hell she’d dressed just so he’d react like this.
“You look beautiful.”
“Thank you.” Her smile peeked out for a brief second and he felt the black cloud that’d been hanging over his head lift a bit. “You don’t look so bad yourself.”
He was wearing a suit. A boring suit, actually. Hell, he wore suits every day. He was pretty sure no one wanted to strip him out of it and kiss the hell out of him.
Except the way she was looking at him now…
Acting on instinct, he wrapped an arm around her shoulders and put his other hand on one hip and drew her closer. He gave her plenty of time to pull away, though he didn’t know why. She’d practically begged him and Jesse to fuck her the other night.
Still, this was different. She wasn’t some socialite with more notches on her bedpost than he had. She was sugar-sweet Mally, who melted on his tongue like cotton candy and made him want to strip her naked and take her against the nearest wall.
He leaned closer and, when he finally had his lips on hers, he forced himself to simply press their lips together and give her the most chaste kiss he could manage.
Which was hell.
Her lips were soft under his, and when he drew in a breath, her scent made a groan build in his chest. He pulled away before he could give in to the urge to part her lips and slide his tongue inside her. Kiss her harder and press his burgeoning erection between her thighs—
“We’d better go.”
She blinked and took a step back when he finally released her.
“Sure.” Shaking her head, she turned to grab her purse from a nearby chair. “I’m ready whenever you are.”
“I told Jesse we’d meet him at the restaurant in fifteen minutes. With traffic, we should just about make it.”